
ITRI's low-carbon plasma technology helps PCB industry green transformation

ITRI's low-carbon plasma technology helps PCB industry green transformation
June 26, 2024
Author Taiwan Xinsheng News reporter Dai Xinyi/Hsinchu report

In response to the global trend of sustainable development and carbon neutrality, ITRI joined hands with Jialianyi Technology and the Information Policy Council to establish a "High-level Technical Cooperation Team for Low-Carbon Energy-Saving FPC Supply Chain" to promote the green transformation of the printed circuit board industry. This cooperation focuses on replacing gas solutions with high global warming potential (GWP), developing low-carbon plasma process technology, and introducing energy-saving equipment and optimizing production processes to enhance the sustainability and international competitiveness of the printed circuit board industry.

Rao Daren, director of the Institute of Mechanical and Electromechanical Systems of ITRI, pointed out that ITRI actively assists Taiwan's PCB industry in developing high-value and low-carbon products, helping Jialian Technology introduce low-carbon plasma process technology, and combines plasma simulation analysis technology with plasma Process and carbon reduction optimization shortens process development time and reduces verification costs, driving supply chain carbon reduction. It is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to one-tenth, slow down climate change and enhance international competitiveness.

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