Atmospheric Pressure Plasma SAP013
Spot type AP plasma, SAP009, was designed for low power (up to 120W) application with energy saving purpose. We combine plasma generator and plasma head to become a compact plasma tool. Combine with XY table it become a simple, low cost, AP plasma machine.
AP plasma
Designed to remove any kind of organic pollutants in conductive surface with low temperature and low Static damage rate by specially nozzle design.
LP Treatment Series
Can be used to activate, clean, brusque, and improve surfaces, as well as for surface modification
Precision spray coater series
PVD /PECVD Coating series
Plasma Air Purifier
Effectively reduce three major indoor air pollution: ultrafine particles (PM 2.5), microorganisms (bacteria), toxic and carcinogenic gases (formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds)