
Investment momentum expands. Analysis of the report of the General Accounting Office: focusing on semiconductors and green energy

Investment momentum expands. Analysis of the report of the General Accounting Office: focusing on semiconductors and green energy
United News Network
July 4, 2024
Author Taiwan Awakening Reporter Lu Xianghe/Reporting from Taipei

The amount of investment in Taiwan's semiconductor industry and green energy has increased, driving economic growth in recent years! A written report from the General Accounting Office on the 4th analyzed that Taiwan’s private investment has expanded rapidly in recent years, mainly focusing on the semiconductor industry and green energy, allowing Taiwan’s economic growth rate to reach 3.45% in recent years. In addition, supply chain reorganization has led to the return of Taiwanese businessmen, the gradual formation of local supply chains, and increased patent investment, all of which have expanded the scale of our economy.

Investment is still 4.9 trillion
On the 4th, the Economic Committee of the Legislative Yuan invited the National Development Council, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Accounting and Accounting Office of the Executive Yuan and other ministries to report on "As economic indicators continue to rise, companies are optimistic about future investment prospects, and the response actions of various units." However, because the Internal Affairs Committee was also scheduled to review the draft amendment to the "Election and Recall Act" at the same time, which became the focus of attack and defense for the blue and green legislators, the Economic Committee soon announced a break not long after the questioning began.

A written report from the General Accounting Office pointed out that private investment in Taiwan has expanded rapidly in recent years. The investment scale jumped to NT$4.8 trillion in 2010, and continued to increase to NT$5.4 trillion in 2011, the highest in history. Although affected by the global industrial chain in 2012, Due to inventory removal and the impact of high investment in previous years, the scale dropped to 4.9 trillion yuan, still the second highest in history, indicating that investment momentum still has continued support.

Semiconductor capital spending breaks 1 trillion
Taiwan's average economic growth rate from 109 to 112 was 3.45%, which was higher than the global average growth rate of 2.2% during the same period, indicating a significant improvement in economic health. According to the analysis of the General Accounting Office, the four major reasons for the growth of Taiwan's private investment are mainly supply chain restructuring prompting the return of Taiwanese businessmen, semiconductors upgrading advanced manufacturing processes and the formation of local supply chains, green energy-related industries driving new investment, and stable investment in intellectual property expansion.

The General Accounting Office pointed out that according to the financial reports of listed companies, China's semiconductor manufacturing capital expenditures were about 400 billion yuan from 105 to 2017, jumping to more than 540 billion yuan in 2018, an annual increase of 33.1%; then the growth trend continued, In 2011, it exceeded one trillion yuan, and in 2012, it was also at a relatively high level. This will not only enhance the competitiveness of the semiconductor industry, but also attract international suppliers to expand the supply chain in Taiwan, helping to maintain the leading edge of domestic semiconductors.

Green energy installation capacity increased by 2.8 times
In addition, the world is in a critical period of energy transformation, and the development of green and low-carbon energy will be a new engine driving economic development. With the government actively promoting the 5+2 industrial innovation plan and forward-looking infrastructure planning, the capacity of renewable energy installations continues to increase, 105 It has grown at an annual double-digit rate since the end of 2012, reaching nearly 18GW by the end of 2012, an increase of approximately 2.8 times from the end of 2015.

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