
The PCB industry’s Thai factory has been put into production and the benefits are expected

The PCB industry’s Thai factory has been put into production and the benefits are expected
July 1, 2024
Author: Business Times reporter Li Shuhui/Taipei report

The PCB industry’s Thai factory layout is expected to be put into production. In addition to Taihong (8039)’s Thai factory opening in May, Dynamic Investment Holdings (3715) estimated mass production in the fourth quarter, the first wave of trials and mass production will enter in the first half of 2025. At the peak of production, Zhending-KY (4958) and Xinxing (3037) will be installed in November, which will not only drive demand for upstream equipment, but the industry estimates that Thailand's PCB industry cluster is expected to become complete within two to three years.

The trial mass production schedule of major PCB factories in Thailand is becoming clearer. Yaohua said at the press conference that the Thailand factory has started construction in late June and is expected to be completed in June next year. Production equipment will be introduced in the third quarter of 2025. It will enter the trial mass production stage in the fourth quarter of 2025.

However, more manufacturers will put into trial mass production in the first half of 2025, which will become the peak period of the first wave of production. Among them, Xinxing, the carrier board factory, has the most open attitude and does not even rule out expanding the carrier board factory in Thailand. According to Xinxing's plan , the Thai factory will be installed in November, trial production will be carried out in April 2025, and mass production will be put into operation from June to July. Although the initial output is not large, Xinxing's first-stage production capacity only accounts for 30% of Thailand's total production capacity, which is estimated to reach within four years. Fully loaded.

According to Xinxing's medium and long-term plan, the output value of Thailand's factories will account for 10% of the group's output value in three to five years, with Taiwan and mainland China accounting for 60% and 30% respectively. Zeng Zizhang, chairman of Xinxing, is optimistic that Thailand's PCB industry cluster will mature very quickly. In addition to the continued investment by Taiwanese factories, Vietnam has invested heavily in the PCB industry in recent years. The two countries are very close and resources can be directly injected into Thailand from Vietnam.

Zhending is also planning a large factory area in Thailand. The first factory will be installed in November and will be trial-produced in May 2025. Although it has the taste of being positioned as an experimental factory, Zhending Chairman Shen Qingfang said that PCB factories are not as easy as downstream assembly plants. Relocation, the PCB industry has a sewage treatment plant, 35% of the cost is in public facilities, 65% of the cost is in equipment, more than 50% of the equipment investment is for the wet process, once the factory is relocated, 50% of the output value will be reimbursed, plus the relocation cost , so for Zhending, existing production capacity will continue to expand, and new production capacity will be planned in Thailand.

Jingpeng, a major automotive panel manufacturer, has also expanded its investment in its Thai factory. It will add nearly 4 billion yuan to expand the new factory at the existing site. It has been approved by the investment review committee. It mainly focuses on the demand for automobiles and low-orbit satellite panels, while Thailand The old factory has also continued to expand. After the COVID-19 epidemic, teams from Taiwan have been stationed to further solve the management problems of staff turnover and low utilization rate. Since the beginning of this year, it has made monthly profits.

According to industry estimates, the top 30 PCB manufacturers are competing to invest in factories in Thailand, and the output value of related companies has accounted for more than 70% of the total.

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