
PCB factories welcome i16 business opportunities

PCB factories welcome i16 business opportunities
IEK Industry Information Network
June 11, 2024
Author: Economic Daily Reporter Yin Huizhong/Taipei Report

Apple is expected to release the new iPhone 16 series in September, and the stocking of related PCB components is ready to go. After the second quarter proofing of new machines, PCB leader Zhending-KY, flexible board manufacturers Taijun and Huatong will begin to significantly heat up their operations in July. Copper foil substrate (CCL) factories are expected to start operations in mid-to-late June. Feel the power of pulling goods.

None of the named Apple PCB suppliers commented on individual customer information. Legal experts estimate that this year’s new iPhone 16 series will see shipments increase by 5% year-on-year due to enhanced AI functions and higher silicon content than in previous years. It is estimated that the stock of the new iPhone 16 series will reach approximately 92 million to 95 million units, assisting related PCB supply. The business will operate in the second half of the year.

Apple PCB manufacturers have successively released their outlook for the second half of the year to be better than that of the first half, and expect that with the introduction of new terminal products, the full-year operations are also expected to grow compared to last year.

Shen Qingfang, chairman of Zhending, recently said that the first half of this year is the company's off-season as in previous years, but it will still see growth compared with the low base period of the same period last year. In the second half of the year, with the arrival of the peak season for customers' new product stocking, and the increasing revenue contribution from IC carrier boards, servers, and automotive components, we are optimistic that operations will return to the growth track this year, and are expected to challenge record highs next year.

Zhending expects that as the third quarter enters the traditional peak season, customers' demand for new product stocking and the revenue contribution of IC carrier boards, servers, and automotive components will increase, which will drive the company's operating performance in the second half of the year.

Taijun mentioned that the overall production output value in the second quarter of 2024 will increase by a single-digit percentage quarter-to-quarter. Legal experts estimate that Taijun's revenue is expected to increase quarter by quarter this year, and its profit performance in the third quarter may exceed the total in the first half of the year.

Xinxing has previously revised its outlook for the second quarter upward, with the opportunity to turn to quarterly growth, and is optimistic that operations in the second half of the year are expected to continue to be better than those in the first half. HDI leader Huatong is also actively seizing business opportunities in AI mobile phones. Chairman Jiang Peikun recently stated at a shareholders' meeting that it will rely on its existing leadership position in the global HDI market to actively advance the development of AI mobile phones, folding mobile phones, and AI PC/NB related applications.

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