
Not just Taiwan! This country has

Not just Taiwan! This country has
June 15, 2024
Author: Sanli News Network Financial Center/Reported by Ni Yuwei

Taiwan occupies a place in the global semiconductor industry, and TSMC is one of Taiwan's advantages. In addition to my country, some foreign media pointed out that Malaysia is also one of the most important for the semiconductor industry. Major technology companies have been interested in this place since the 1970s. Because of its advantages such as high-quality labor and low operating costs, it is very attractive to foreign companies for investment.

According to "CNBC", Malaysia has a skilled labor force in packaging, assembly and testing, as well as relatively low operating costs. These two advantages make its export products more competitive globally. In addition, the local currency ringgit (MYR) is currently performance is also one of the factors that make Malaysia “attractive to foreign companies.”

The report mentioned that many large companies are eager to enter Malaysia. For example, Intel, a well-known semiconductor company, opened its first assembly factory outside the United States in Penang. In 1972, the factory covering an area of ​​5 acres was completed and it quickly gained popularity. After success, Intel later also added a development and design center in Malaysia; in September 2023, wafer foundry company GlobalFoundries also set up a factory in Penang to jointly support factories in Singapore, the United States, and Europe. Global manufacturing operations.

In addition, some Malaysian media pointed out that in response to the foreign investment boom and in order to strengthen the development of the country’s semiconductor ecosystem, Malaysia established a National Semiconductor Strategy Group in January this year (2024).

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