
Major PCB manufacturers gather in Southeast Asia, Thailand’s hot-demand talent matchmaking venue is full

Major PCB manufacturers gather in Southeast Asia, Thailand’s hot-demand talent matchmaking venue is full
United News Network
June 10, 2024
Author Economic Daily reporter Yin Huizhong

The printed circuit board (PCB) industry is actively deploying in Southeast Asia, including Zhending (4958), Xinxing (3037), Huatong (2313), Jinxiangdian (2368), Lianmao (6213), Taiyao (6274) and Taihong (8039) has been actively investing in Thailand in the past three years. With the investment needs of major manufacturers, Thai human resources are in hot demand. Recently, many talent matching conferences held in June were full.

The Taiwan Circuit Board Association (TPCA) said that many Taiwanese PCB index companies and their supply chains have gone to Thailand to invest and set up factories, and there is a strong demand for all types of talents.

Following the "PCB Talent Day" event held in Thailand in March, many manufacturers requested to hold a talent matchmaking session again due to the overcrowded event. TPCA held the "Thailand Human Resources Issues Sharing Session" and "Thailand Talent Matching Conference" on 6/5 (Wednesday), breaking through geographical restrictions through online means and establishing the most comprehensive recruitment channel, allowing companies to seize the opportunity to recruit people. It is understood that the Taisheng Talent Matching Fair was full of companies as soon as it opened, showing the urgent needs of companies.

According to the goals of each factory, major factories are sprinting to ramp up production capacity from the end of this year to 2025. Material factories such as CCL and FCCL have even scheduled trial production in advance this year in response to customer demand.

Data from research institutions show that after Taiwan’s PCB output value dropped due to economic headwinds in 2023, it will steadily recover from 2024 to 2025 and gradually move towards an output value of more than one trillion yuan.

In response to the popularity of investment in Thailand and the needs of enterprises, the Taiwan Circuit Board Association also held an electronic manufacturing industry investment exchange meeting in Thailand on May 2. During the meeting, President Zhang Yuanming of TPCA Thailand PCB Association (Vice Chairman of TPCA) pointed out that the US-China trade war Against the background of geopolitics, we have witnessed a new industrial transformation. Currently, Taiwan's electrical and electronics, machine tools, computers, automobiles, molds, electronic equipment and other industries all have the need to expand their presence in Thailand. All industry associations are faced with the important task of serving members and assisting members to quickly settle in Thailand.

Taking the PCB industry as an example, 11 Taiwan-funded PCB manufacturers and more than 10 suppliers have announced investments in Thailand since 2023.

In order to serve members' various overseas investment needs, TPCA formally established the Thailand PCB Association at the end of last year to coordinate and carry out various Thailand-specific affairs. Zhang Yuanming expressed his hope that through the joint efforts of the bilateral governments and the industry, the cooperation projects will span the four major aspects of industry, government, academia and research, continue to improve the integrity of the electronic manufacturing industry supply chain in Thailand, maintain Taiwan's dominant position, and create the next A glorious scene.

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