
Semiconductor and electronic stocks are expected to rise

Semiconductor and electronic stocks are expected to rise
Business Times
June 3, 2024
Author provided by Uni-President Futures, compiled by Huang Yanhong

The latest Beige Book released by the Federal Reserve (Fed) shows that the U.S. economy and prices are showing a moderate growth trend, but companies are becoming more pessimistic about the future prospects because consumers are becoming more price sensitive, leading to companies pricing goods. Decrease in ability. At the same time, there are signs that inflationary pressures continue, with input costs continuing to rise in many regions, especially for insurance, and inflation in core services excluding rent is expected to remain sticky.

The sharp decline in the revised GDP and PCE values ​​of the United States in the first quarter also echoes the cooling of the U.S. economy. Looking forward, as the excess savings accumulated by consumers during the epidemic are exhausted and wage growth slows down, consumption momentum in the United States will gradually slow down.

Although the U.S. economy shows signs of cooling, the observation should be that it is shifting from overheating to equilibrium, and there are currently no signs of recession. Observing the Taiwan stock economy, the latest announced light signal in April has turned to yellow and red, which is a new high since February 2022. It is mainly due to AI applications driving market demand. Leading indicators and concurrent indicators also continue to rise, indicating that the domestic economy is stabilizing and stabilizing.

In terms of the market, the much-anticipated Computex Taipei has started. The theme of this event is "AI Connection to Create the Future", which explores six major themes including artificial intelligence computing, forward-looking communications, future mobility, immersive reality, green energy sustainability, and innovation. A total of 1,500 manufacturers and 4,500 booths are participating, and 50,000 people are expected to visit. Nine technology giants, including Huida CEO Huang Renxun, will also participate in the event, which is expected to drive a new wave of gains in semiconductor and related electronic stocks. Based on recent economic data and market news, the stock market is mixed with bulls and bears, and the overall market trend should be relatively volatile in the future.

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