
Machinery Association Thailand Sharing Session Showcases EV and PCB Strengths

Machinery Association Thailand Sharing Session Showcases EV and PCB Strengths
IEK Industry Information Network
May 17, 2024
Author  Lu Xiubin
With the rapid development of the electric vehicle (EV) and printed circuit board (PCB) industries, Taiwanese companies are becoming the main drivers of the global industrial supply chain with their eye-catching technologies and solutions. In order to help our country's smart machinery companies enhance their brand image and strengthen their international marketing capabilities, the Department of Trade's "Promoting the International Image of Taiwan's Industry" assisted the Machinery Association yesterday (16) in holding the "Electric Vehicle (EV) and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Supply Chain Business Opportunity Sharing Session" at the INTERMACH & MTA Asia Exhibition in Thailand to expand local business opportunities.
The theme of this event is "Taiwan Innovation: Promoting Business Opportunities in the Integration of Electric Vehicles and Printed Circuit Boards". Representatives from Linkage Machinery, Daguang Evergreen, Tongtai Precision Machinery, and Schunder Machinery were invited to bring their application technologies and solutions in the fields of EV and PCB, so that participants can have a deep understanding of the leading position and global competitive advantages of Taiwanese companies in these two major fields.
Tongtai Precision Machinery shared the latest high-performance electric vehicle (EV) parts production solutions. In response to customers' small-scale and diverse product production trends and highly flexible production requirements, it provides a full range of processing solutions and becomes the best partner for customers' smart manufacturing upgrades; Schunder Machinery proposed the best automation solutions, including printed circuit boards, soft boards, IC substrates and packaging, HDI, ceramic substrates and other electronic industry automation equipment and whole-plant logistics planning and services.
Daguang Changrong brings customized grinding machines to meet consumers' requirements for technology and performance, ensuring production efficiency and quality consistency, and providing key solutions for the manufacturing of electric automobile and motorcycle parts and the printed circuit board industry; it connects mechanical production to manufacture printed circuit multi-layer hydraulic presses and copper foil machine plate pressing equipment for the electronics industry to produce high-quality printed circuit boards that meet the requirements and standards of electronics industry customers.
Through this sharing session, participants discussed the development trends of two popular industries, electric vehicles (EV) and printed circuit boards (PCB), and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on technological innovation, production efficiency and sustainability issues. This event has initiated new cooperation opportunities for the industry, promoted the development of the field of industrial integration, and injected greater expectations and possibilities into the future.
This business opportunity sharing event is an overseas image promotion event organized by the Machinery Association this year to promote Taiwan's smart machinery industry. In the second half of the year, the Machinery Association will continue to promote Taiwan's machinery industry overseas at the Chicago IMTS in September and important markets such as Southeast Asia.
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