
PCB industry strives for net-zero TPCA carbon reduction guidelines released

PCB industry strives for net-zero TPCA carbon reduction guidelines released

Microsoft Start

May 13, 2024

CNA Author Jiang Mingyan Editor Yang Kaixiang



The Taiwan Circuit Board Association (TPCA) announced today that the "Guidelines for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction of PCB Factory Facilities and Process Equipment" will be released in May and will hold a "PCB High-Level Low-Carbon Forum" on June 6. It is recommended that factory affairs and equipment be divided into three periods: before, during and after.



TPCA established a sustainable development committee and released the "Taiwan PCB Industry Low-Carbon Transformation Strategy" in March 2023, proposing three major strategies for low-carbon transformation, including independent energy conservation, renewable energy, and negative carbon/carbon trading, with the goal of Achieve net-zero emissions in the PCB industry by 2050. Among the three major transformation strategies, green power procurement is the top priority, supplemented by legal carbon rights allocation and independent energy conservation to achieve corporate carbon reduction goals.



After the release of the low-carbon transformation strategy report, TPCA launched 10 major action plans to conduct research on energy-saving and carbon-reduction technical guidelines for independent energy-saving of PCBs based on factories and equipment in carbon emission hot spots. The recommendations are divided into front, middle and back. The three periods are implemented in stages.



TPCA pointed out through a press release today that it is necessary to have a full understanding of factory operations in the early stage, such as taking stock of the efficiency of various components, such as motor IE levels, digitizing large power-consuming equipment data, and transparent production scheduling information; it can be established in the mid-term A dedicated team analyzes in-factory data to evaluate the properties of each low-carbon method, such as technical difficulty, process impact, project time, energy-saving benefits, etc.



When it reaches the later stage of implementation, TPCA pointed out that in addition to assessing whether low-carbon improvements are being carried out stably, regular review meetings can also be used to check whether the quantitative goals set in the early stage are consistent with the results. If they are consistent, they can evaluate whether to extend to other facilities or In the factory, if they are not consistent, they will review which link has not been implemented properly or the prediction is distorted, and achieve an improvement cycle through the "Plan, Execute, Check, Act" (PDCA) approach.



For energy-saving and low-carbon actions in factory facilities and process equipment, TPCA gives examples. Common methods include regular maintenance of equipment and pipelines, replacement of high-efficiency equipment or units, resource reuse, low-carbon fuel use, and intelligent control.



TPCA recommends that companies can introduce energy-saving and carbon-reduction projects suitable for their own companies based on the actual conditions within the factory, such as customer requirements, operating finances, corporate culture, factory configuration, process characteristics, etc. The effects will also vary depending on the conditions. There are differences, so you cannot cut your teeth to fit the shoes. In addition to your own assessment, you must also discuss with relevant industry players to find pragmatic solutions.


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