
Semiconductors still have 15 years of advantage! Huang Chongren: It is difficult for other countries to compete with Taiwan

Semiconductors still have 15 years of advantage! Huang Chongren: It is difficult for other countries to compete with Taiwan

Yahoo! News

May 07, 2024

Dongsen Finance



The "Crystal Taiwan Promotion Office" held an unveiling ceremony at the National Science Council on the 7th. Vice President of the Executive Yuan Zheng Wencan and Power Semiconductor Chairman Huang Chongren were invited to attend. Huang Chongren mentioned the plight of the semiconductor industry and called for the Talents have always stayed in Taiwan, and they believe that Taiwan’s advantages in semiconductors have lasted for more than 15 years, which is difficult for other countries to match.



Huang Chongren said that the Jingchuang Taiwan project is a major goal during the term of Chairman Wu Zhengzhong of the National Science Council. In the past two years, Lijidian has received technology transfer requests from many countries, including India, Japan, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and other cities. During this process, I thought it would be of great help to promote the semiconductor academy with the Tsai administration. Looking at the world, only Taiwan can train talents through industry-university cooperation.



Huang Chongren pointed out that Taiwan’s performance in the fields of science and technology and cutting-edge technology is outstanding, but what is even better is that the efficiency and operating costs of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry are the lowest in the world. The biggest problem we are facing now is insufficient training of talents, and we must expand efforts to attract and retain them. International talent.



He pointed out that TSMC founder Chang Chung-mou once said that Taiwan still has 15 years of advantages in semiconductors, but he believes that "it should be more than that." Especially seeing Taiwan's talent compared with overseas, "it is difficult to compete with Taiwan. Many are still producing, which is scary." .



Lu Chaoqun, president of the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Chip Alliance, also believes that retaining talents in the semiconductor industry is Taiwan’s top priority. The advent of AI is Taiwan’s greatest blessing, but it is also its most terrifying challenge. Taiwan has heterogeneous integration, packaging and testing and Design, these advantages are "too precious".



Regarding the training of industrial talents, Zheng Wencan believes that AI technology combined with chip manufacturing is a key technology for the future development of Taiwan's information and communications industry. The government plans to invest 300 billion yuan in 10 years to strengthen the upstream and downstream integration of the semiconductor industry and retain Talent.



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