
Rushing to buy semiconductor production equipment, China's import value in 2023 will reach the second highest level in recent times

Rushing to buy semiconductor production equipment, China's import value in 2023 will reach the second highest level in recent times

As the United States and related countries have tightened controls on China's semiconductor chip exports, relevant Chinese companies have increased investment in response to the trend in an attempt to produce semiconductor chips and other products on their own, which has also led to the active development of related semiconductor industries. As a result, China's imports of semiconductor production equipment will increase significantly in 2023, reaching the second-highest level since 2015.

According to Chinese customs data, China's imports of equipment used to manufacture semiconductor wafers will grow by 14% in 2023, reaching nearly US$40 billion. This is the second largest import amount since records began in 2015, highlighting the expectations of Chinese manufacturers in the future. Worry about the unavailability of relevant equipment. At this stage, Chinese semiconductor companies are rapidly investing in new semiconductor factories in an attempt to improve their own production capabilities to circumvent export controls imposed by the United States and its allies.

According to statistics, China's imports of semiconductor equipment from the Netherlands surged in 2023 before new export controls were announced. This is because companies rushed to buy before the Dutch restrictions were implemented, causing the amount of semiconductor exposure equipment imported from the Netherlands to increase by nearly 1,000% in December 2023 compared with 2022, reaching $1.1 billion.

Even before the restrictions came into effect, Dutch ASML canceled shipments of some top equipment to China at the request of the U.S. government. In early January 2024, ASML stated that the Dutch government had partially revoked the previously issued license for NXT:2050i and NXT:2100i exposure equipment to be shipped in 2023, which had an impact on individual customers in China.


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