
JPMorgan raised the target price of Microelectronics Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to celebrate the rising market price that once soared to th

JPMorgan raised the target price of Microelectronics Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to celebrate the rising market price that once soared to th

Affected by the increase in target price by foreign investors, the major wafer foundry, Power Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., once rose to the limit price of NT$31.05 per share in early trading in Taiwan, setting a new share price high in the past six months.

SEMI International Semiconductor Industry Association recently released the latest report stating that from 2022 to 2024, a total of 82 new wafer fabs will be put into production in the global semiconductor industry. 2024 will be the peak of new fab production, with a total of 42 new fabs joining, pushing up 2024. The total monthly production capacity of semiconductor fabs around the world exceeded 30 million 8-inch equivalent wafers for the first time, setting a new record.

SEMI Global Marketing Chief and Taiwan President Cao Shilun said that the recovery of global market demand, coupled with government incentives, has driven significant growth in fab construction and equipment investment in major chip manufacturing regions. In addition, semiconductor strategies have an increasing influence on the global political and economic situation and have become a key catalyst for the growth of semiconductor production capacity.

Foreign investor JPMorgan Chase said it was optimistic about the future development prospects and market conditions of Power Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and raised its target price to 38 yuan per share, representing a growth rate of 34.5%.


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