
The country’s key technology layout in the next ten years: “Semiconductor × AI” and “Net Zero Technology” strategies are clear

The country’s key technology layout in the next ten years: “Semiconductor × AI” and “Net Zero Technology” strategies are clear

The 2023 Science and Technology Advisory Meeting of the Executive Yuan ended on the 15th, focusing on the two major topics of "Semiconductors × AI" and "Net Zero Technology". Chief Science and Technology Advisor Liao Junzhi said that the conclusion of "Semiconductors × AI" hopes to "grasp the trend of generative AI and establish a foundation." "Taiwan's semiconductor advantages lead the world in innovative applications of semiconductor and AI technology" vision.

Technology consultants composed of 8 domestic and foreign industry and research leaders had in-depth exchanges with representatives of relevant ministries and committees at the 2023 Science and Technology Advisory Meeting of the Executive Yuan for three days. Chief Technology Consultant Liao Junzhi conducted a speech on the two major themes of "Semiconductors × AI" and "Net Zero Technology" Summary report, Executive Yuan President Chen Jianren was also present to listen to the conclusion.

These areas are currently the focus of active deployment in various countries. Therefore, strategic suggestions from all walks of life will serve as the main policy basis for relevant ministries to plan long-term science and technology plans. For example, the national "Semiconductor × AI" policy direction will implement the "Chip-Driven Taiwan Industrial Innovation Plan" (Crystal Taiwan Plan) and the "Taiwan AI Action Plan", based on Taiwan's semiconductor advantages, make Taiwan a leading partner in global semiconductor and AI technology innovation; the "Net Zero Technology" field continues to promote "Net Zero Technology Plan".

Liao Junzhi said that in order to achieve the vision of semiconductor × AI, the three major strategies will include: cultivating the next generation of semiconductor and AI talents; accelerating the development of semiconductor and AI application technology; using generative AI chips to drive industry-wide innovation and promote new innovation.

The three major strategies to achieve the vision of net-zero technology are: setting a 2030 carbon reduction target based on Taiwan’s characteristics and developing net-zero technology with Taiwan’s industrial potential; taking advantage of Taiwan’s net-zero transformation opportunities to cultivate local green supply chains; seizing the opportunity of AI transformation to accelerate Industrial net-zero and digital transformation.

Wu Zhengzhong, chairman of the National Science Council, pointed out that Taiwan's scientific and technological R&D and industrial strength have attracted global attention due to changes in the international political and economic situation. The conclusion of this science and technology advisory meeting also emphasized the importance of building horizontal connections across industry ecosystems and cross-ministerial upstream and downstream collaboration, which requires Strengthen international connections and meet local needs.


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