
The occasion is unprecedented! Taiwan and Japan Semiconductor A Forum held by CEO: Taiwan and Japan will become each other's "good teammates"

The occasion is unprecedented! Taiwan and Japan Semiconductor A Forum held by CEO: Taiwan and Japan will become each other's
economic daily
November 09, 2023
Author Huang Shuhui

The "Japan-Taiwan Image Exhibition" co-organized by the International Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Foreign Trade Association opened in Shinjuku, Tokyo today (9th). In the afternoon, a "Taiwan-Japan Semiconductor Industry Cooperation Forum" was held. The forum is co-organized by the International Trade Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, hosted by the Foreign Trade Association and SEMI, and co-organized by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun and the Manufacturing Industry Japan Conference. It was held this afternoon at the Okura Hotel in Tokyo and was attended by 500 people including representatives of Japanese semiconductor-related companies, media, and think tanks. .

In his speech, Chairman Huang Zhifang of the Foreign Trade Association said that semiconductors are the key to all technological innovations and application innovations. The development of technologies and applications such as self-driving cars, electric vehicles, AI and quantum computers have further promoted the development of semiconductors. Japan has strong consumer electronics and automobile industries. Industry, the purpose of this forum is to hope that Japan’s technology industry will cooperate with Taiwan’s semiconductors to create a more amazing future life. Chairman Huang also emphasized that although Taiwan has a semiconductor ecosystem that is difficult for other countries to copy or replace, no one country can master all the keys to chip production. He hopes that Taiwanese and Japanese companies will use the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Trade Association as a platform to strengthen cooperation.

Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Meihua also said in her speech that TSMC (2330)’s establishment of a factory in Japan has expanded Japan’s understanding of Taiwan and semiconductors from the industry to the entire society. Japanese society is also curious about how small Taiwan can bring the world to the forefront. The most complex craftsmanship is done to the extreme and has dominant power. In the past, when Taiwan and Japan cooperated, Taiwan was more like an overseas branch of a Japanese company. Japan had the funds and technology, and Taiwan supported manufacturing. After years of transformation and upgrading, Taiwan is now the center of R&D and manufacturing of the world's most advanced processes, and Japan is strong in materials and technology. The strong equipment capabilities and mutual complementarity have become a new model of industrial cooperation between Taiwan and Japan. It is expected that Taiwan and Japan will become each other's "good teammates" in the semiconductor industry.

Masahiko Hamajima, President of SEMI Japan, a co-organizer of the forum, said in his speech that semiconductors have not received much attention in Japan in the past few years and are considered to be an obscure industry. After the situation changed in 2021, the Japanese government and companies turned to actively support the redevelopment of the semiconductor industry, and the government also sought support from the public. The semiconductor industries of Taiwan and Japan are complementary and share commonalities and high affinity in terms of culture and hard work spirit. They can become a model for regional development.

The forum has a strong lineup of lecturers, including Chairman Akira Amari of the Japan Semiconductor Strategy Promotion Parliamentarian Alliance, Yoshihiro Kwan, Deputy Director-General of the Liberal Democratic Party, Tetsuro Higashi, Chairman of Rapidus, Yoshifumi Kato, Chief Technology Officer of DENSO, Seiji Imai, Chairman of Mizuho Financial Group, and Director of Taiwan Etron Chang Lu Chaoqun, MediaTek (2454) Vice President Zhang Yutai, SEMI Global Marketing Director and Taiwan President Cao Shilun, Director of Information Strategy Hong Chunhui and others.

President Amari mentioned that mankind around the world is facing important challenges. DX (Digital Transformation) has completely changed business and lifestyles. Technology applications such as big data, cloud computing and the Internet of Things have emerged in an overwhelming manner. In particular, generative AI has had a disruptive impact on various industries. In the future, AI development will continue to Divided into different application fields, the semiconductor market is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the future. Because no company can capture the market alone, and the semiconductor industry can be said to be a collection of water and electricity, short-chain semiconductor production can also spread water and electricity problems to other countries.

Rapidus President Tetsuro Higashi also shared the future appearance of his Hokkaido factory in a video at the forum. He said that Japanese semiconductors once accounted for 90% of the global market and had also given up on logic ICs. In recent years, national policies have attracted TSMC to set up factories in Japan. The second factory in Kumamoto produces six-nanometer wafers. At the same time, attention should be paid to the development of low-power semiconductor technology in Japan.

Lu Chaoqun, chairman of Etron (5351), said that Japan’s equipment and materials in the semiconductor industry are very strong, and it has recently expanded its semiconductor production scale, which can be said to have entered a very healthy development direction. Chairman Lu also estimates that the world will have US$3 trillion invested in the semiconductor industry in the next three years. By 2030, semiconductors hope to reach US$1 trillion in revenue from various gold applications.

DENSO Chief Technology Officer Kato shared that the automotive industry is facing great changes. Automotive semiconductors are realizing autonomous driving, making cars carbon neutral in 2035, and realizing smart cities and data collection functions in the 5G environment. Blockchain technology is also Will be used in large quantities. The demand for automotive semiconductors will continue to grow. Thanks to Taiwan's semiconductors, Japanese cars can continue to be produced.

In a panel discussion hosted by SEMI Global Marketing Director and Taiwan President Cao Shilun, experts put forward the following suggestions, including: Taiwan and Japan should strengthen cooperation in semiconductor research and development, talent cultivation and supply chain integration, and should actively participate in Japan’s semiconductor industry policy enhances Taiwan’s competitiveness in the Japanese market. Taiwan can also work with Japan to promote the internationalization of the semiconductor industry to enhance the global influence of Taiwan and Japan's semiconductor industry.

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