
Taiwan Circuit Board Exhibition Opens Li Shiqin: The Golden Decade of ICT Industry in the Next Ten Years

Taiwan Circuit Board Exhibition Opens Li Shiqin: The Golden Decade of ICT Industry in the Next Ten Years
United News Network
October 25, 2023
Author Economic Daily Yin Huizhong

The Taiwan Circuit Board International Exhibition opened today (25th). Li Shiqin, chairman of the Electrical and Electronics Industry Association, also attended the speech. He mentioned that the recent changes in the Middle East have created variables for next year’s economy, but in the long run, Taiwan’s ICT industry will still be a golden opportunity for transformation and development in the long term. The critical ten years include opportunities driven by electric vehicles, AI and semiconductors. In the next ten years to 2032, AI servers will see a boom of more than 120 billion yuan. In order to pay attention to this exhibition, the Electrical and Electronics Association will also postpone the celebration to next year.

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