
Happy to see PCB industry recovering next year

Happy to see PCB industry recovering next year
United News Network
October 25, 2023
Author Economic Daily Yin Huizhong

The Taiwan Circuit Board International Exhibition opened yesterday (25th). Taiwan Circuit Board Association (TPCA) Chairman Li Changming and Xinxing (3037) Chairman Zeng Zizhang and others attended. Zeng Zizhang pointed out that the PCB industry is expected to recover next year, but the recovery time of the carrier board may fall in the second quarter of next year.

Li Changming pointed out that under the pressure of inflation and inventory adjustment, 2023 will be full of challenges. It is estimated that Taiwan's printed circuit board (PCB) output value will decrease by 16.8% annually. However, inventory adjustment is expected to come to an end next year, and PCB output value will increase by 8% in 2024. .

Zeng Zizhang mentioned in an interview that the general view is that there should be a recovery next year. However, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will have a short-term impact, and some customer demand is suspended. Among them, it is observed that the recovery of carrier boards may not until the second quarter of next year. After all, Black Swan does not know How many more are there?

Zeng Zizhang said that the decline of the PCB industry has lasted longer than expected. Most industry players believe that it will recover next year, and some market conditions and customer demand will be better in 2025-2026. Xinxing itself also hopes that next year will be better.

In response to future industry challenges, Li Changming pointed out that in the face of three major challenges, including the general environmental downturn, net-zero carbon emissions and southbound layout, he hopes that the PCB industrialization crisis will be a turning point and transform towards high-quality and low-carbon to meet the next wave of challenges.

In addition, Li Changming said that in response to geopolitics and customer requirements, the PCB industry has been deployed in Southeast Asia in recent years. With its good industrial foundation and strong investment policy, Thailand has become the first choice for Taiwan-funded enterprises overseas. In addition, the Taiwan Circuit Board Association will participate in the first Thailand International Circuit Board and Electronic Manufacturing Equipment Exhibition from February 29 to March 2, 2024, together with the Electrical and Electronics Industry Association, to promote cooperation in the industry chain.

Li Shiqin, chairman of the Electrical and Electronics Industry Association, said that the recent changes in the Middle East have created variables for next year's economy, but Taiwan's ICT industry will still usher in a golden decade of upgrading and development, including opportunities driven by electric vehicles, AI and semiconductors. AI servers will be visible in the next decade. In the future, the Electrical and Electronics Industry Association will also join hands with the Taiwan Circuit Board Association for industrial cooperation.

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