
Taiwan and Europe’s semiconductors are highly complementary Lu Chaoqun: Scalable quantum computing cooperation

Taiwan and Europe’s semiconductors are highly complementary Lu Chaoqun: Scalable quantum computing cooperation
economic daily
October 12, 2023
Author: Central News Agency Zhang Jianzhong

TSMC has decided to invest and set up a factory in Germany, and European manufacturers ASML and Merck have also set up bases in Taiwan. People in the semiconductor industry in Taiwan and Europe believe that the semiconductor industries of both sides are highly complementary and can further deepen cooperation. Lu Chaoqun, chairman of Etron, pointed out that the two parties can cooperate in fields such as quantum computing and smart manufacturing.

Lu Chaoqun was invited to attend the 4th "Investment in the EU Forum" today and delivered a speech titled "Building a Global Mutual Semiconductor and AI Supply Chain - Long-term Strategic Cooperation with the EU". He said that Taiwan's semiconductor revenue will grow by more than 11% in 2022, and the EU will grow by more than 14%, both of which are higher than the global semiconductor revenue growth rate of 2.8%, because Taiwan and Europe have very close interactions.

Lu Chaoqun said that Taiwan and the EU have achieved good economic and trade cooperation results in the past four years. Taiwan's import of semiconductor equipment from Europe has continued to increase, and ASML and Merck have also come to Taiwan to set up bases. As semiconductor manufacturing technology further develops, the two sides should deepen the relationship of mutual trust and have more economic and trade interactions to create a strong semiconductor relationship.

Lu Chaoqun said that in addition to building new semiconductor factories, the cooperation between Taiwan and the EU can also expand into fields such as quantum computing, smart manufacturing, and large-scale language models, jointly cultivate a large number of talents, and apply semiconductor technology to solve problems such as natural disasters and power shortages.

Hendrik Abma, Chairman of the European Semiconductor Industry Association, explained the European semiconductor ecosystem through video during the meeting. He pointed out that the EU not only has integrated component manufacturing (IDM) factories, but also equipment and chemical companies; in the semiconductor equipment sector , the EU’s global market share is approximately 27%.

As for chemicals and specialty gases, the EU has companies such as Air Liquide and Merck, with a global market share of 34%; for semiconductor materials, the EU market share is about 33%.

In contrast, Taiwan's main strengths are foundry, packaging and testing, and IC design. Among them, foundry has a global market share of 39%, packaging and testing has a market share of 37%, and IC design has a market share of about 13%.

Ambarman emphasized that Taiwan and Europe have highly complementary advantages in the semiconductor field and look forward to further strengthening cooperation. He said that the EU is already very strong in semiconductor research and development, and will attract investment through special project subsidies to improve manufacturing capabilities, with the goal of accounting for 20% of global semiconductor production in 2030.

Ambarman said that environmental protection has now become an important issue of concern to semiconductor suppliers. Europe has a lot of renewable energy that can be used, which is also one of the incentives for manufacturers to invest in Europe.
Image source: Photographer Pok Rie

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