
Global semiconductor sales have grown for six consecutive months, with demand slowly and steadily recovering

Global semiconductor sales have grown for six consecutive months, with demand slowly and steadily recovering
October 05, 2023
Author: Central News Agency Zhang Jianzhong
According to statistics from the US Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), global semiconductor sales reached US$44 billion in August, an increase of 1.9% from July. Sales have grown for six consecutive months, indicating a slow and steady recovery in market demand.
SIA pointed out that sales in the United States increased by 4.6% monthly in August, the largest increase, followed by China, with a monthly increase of 2%, sales in the Asia-Pacific region increased by 1.2%, Japan decreased by 0.4%, and Europe decreased by 1.1%.
Global semiconductor sales in August decreased by 6.8% compared with the same period last year. SIA said that the decline hit a new low since October 2022, and it was optimistic about several continued growth.
According to SIA statistics, sales in Europe increased by 3.5% in August compared with the same period last year, the best performance. Sales in the United States also increased by 0.3% compared with the same period last year, sales in Japan decreased by 2.9% annually, sales in the Asia-Pacific region decreased by 11.3% annually, and sales in China decreased by 11.3%. 12.6%.
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